On this page, you can find the documentation for the RESTful API developed in SpringBoot.
If you want, you can to read this ReadMe in Portuguese PT-BR Here
RESTful API developed in SpringBoot for my project to put into practice everything I needed to learn about SpringBoot. The project consists of an API for an account management system, where you can:
- Create an account
- List all accounts by ID, name, or email
- Update an account
- Delete an account
- Login system generating JWT Token with a duration of 1 hour
- Route access system through JWT Token
In total, the project has practical knowledge in areas such as:
- SpringBoot
- Spring Security
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Validation
- Unit Testing with Junit and Mockito
- Swagger UI
- PostgreSQL database
- Java 11
- SpringBoot 3.1.1
- Spring Security
- PostgreSQL
- Swagger UI
- Docker
Prerequisites: Java 11, PostgreSQL, Docker
After cloning the project, you should run the following command in your terminal to start the database locally:
docker compose up
After that, simply run the project in SpringBoot and access the API documentation by opening your web browser and navigating to the following address:
If you want to import the API documentation into Postman, simply access the link above for documentation and click on the following link:
Now you're all set to test the API :)