Weblate 5.2
Released on November 16th 2023.
New features
Faster statistics updates.
Better e-mail selection in user profile.
Automatic fixups are now applied to suggestions as well.
DeepL can now configure default formality for translations.
Use neutral colors for progress bars and translation unit states.
Generate MO files can optionally include strings needing editing.
Use Accept-Language to order translations for unauthenticated users.
Add option to directly approve suggestions with Dedicated reviewers workflow.
One-click removal of project or component Notifications.
Statistics now includes character and word counts for more string states.
Bug fixes
Fixed creating component within a category by upload.
Error handling in organizing components and categories.
Fixed moving categories between projects.
Fixed formatting of translation memory search results.
Allow non-breaking space character in Unsafe HTML cleanup.
Apple iOS strings exporter now produces UTF-8 encoded files.
Python 3.12 is now supported, though not recommended, see Python dependencies.
Please follow Generic upgrade instructions in order to perform update.