Simple Self-Containable Status-Messager. Creates a JSON-File and writes a Log
To Start a check use node check.js config.json
or build the binary and then use it: ./bin/check config.json
(or link it into your path)
You may create a cronjob to use this.
The Config is the biggest part of this project. See config.sample.json for an example.
You have 2 global Attributes:
- statusFile: Here will the Status-File be written. Will try to create
- log: The Config for the Logging Plugin. See
After that we have 'checkSuites', which is an Array of objects.
Each Object Contains:
- name: Name of the Suite
- checks: An Array of Checks
Each Check in the Array 'checks' is an object:
- name: Name of the Check
- type: The Type of the Check (see List of Check-Plugins)
- target: [Optional] A Target for the Check
- warning: [Optional] An Object with Warning Settings
- critical: An Object with Critical Settings
Warning / Critical Settings Contain:
- value: The Value to trigger the status
- recommendations: Array of Strings to Help the Admin solve the problem
- actions: Array of Strings (linux commands) to automatically solve the problem
To Start the Server use node server.js /some/status.json 3000
or build the binary and then send it to the background: ./bin/server /some/status.json 3000 & >/dev/null
(or link it into your path)
To try to heal the services automagically use node action.js /some/status.json
or build the binary and then use it: ./bin/action /some/status.json
(or link it into your path)
You may create a cronjob to use this.
There are 4 Levels of test, easiest done via npm-calls
- Just Tests:
npm run test
- Tests with Coverage:
npm run test-coverage
- Tests with Coverage and HTML-Output:
npm run test-graphics
- Tests with Mutations:
npm run test-mutation
To build the binaries use the nexe-CLI or simply npm run build
Add Section Check-Plugins
Add Section Contribution
Config: Add Recomodations for WARN, CRIT (just text > Do this, do that)
Config: Add Actions (automatic resolves) for WARN CRIT (eg restart a process)
Add port Test
Add rabbitmq ALIVE Test
Add rabbitmq messages check and Test api/exchanges/%2F/amq.topic (incoming, outgoing)
Add Central Dashboard Service (collect info, display)
Actions should be e.g. scripts for better solutions
Have a script to deploy monitoring to a server (bins/actions/config)
Config Website (create server monitoring configuration)
Add Performance Data to checks (or extra binary)