Another implementation allowing to easily use Boostrap 3 Modals in Meteor.
First of all, you need to define your modal template using the provided helpers:
<template name="myModal">
{{#FineModal size="sm"}}
{{>FineModalHeader title="This is My Modal!" hideCloseButton=false}}
<div>Hi! I'm a Modal! I was given a data context, and it is: {{this}}</div>
<button data-action="close" class="btn btn-primary">Close Me!</button>
Please note that it is not mandatory to use the built-in helpers, and you may at your leisure design your own Boostrap modal, as long as it's following the official Boostrap markup guidelines.
import { FineModalUtil } from 'meteor/apotex:finemodal';{
// Let's just implement the custom "Close Me!" button.
'click [data-action="close"]'() {
And now, somewhere within your code, you can create and show the modal:
import { FineModal } from 'meteor/apotex:finemodal';
const modal = new FineModal({
template: Template.myModal, // The template that houses the modal.
data: 'Horse Potato'
Upon execution, the result is as follows: