Read blog post about this library with cool explanation about internals ;)
Very fast HTTP server library based on Bun. Feel free to use it in your projects. Just copy the lib/src/http
[!] To disable development mode inside your .env file set the PRODUCTION=true environment variable.
import { http, Res } from "./lib/src/http";
const str = (val: any) => JSON.stringify(val);
http.get("/", (req) => {
return new Res(`Hello from home`);
http.get("/product/:productId", (req) => {
return new Res(`Product (id: ${req.params.productId})`);
});"/blog/create", (req) => {
return new Res(`
params: ${str(req.params)},
query: ${str(req.query)},
body: ${str(req.body)}
const server = http.serve({ port: 3000 });
console.log(`Listening on port ${server.port}...`);
/* Example output
bun main.ts
[0.90ms] ".env"
Listening on port 3000...
8:27:48 PM: 200 GET /
8:27:52 PM: 405 GET /blog/123
8:27:56 PM: 200 POST /blog/123
8:27:58 PM: 200 GET /__endpoints
Endpoints list is available at /__endpoints
only in development mode.
To install dependencies:
bun install
To run:
bun main.ts
This project was created using bun init
in bun v1.0.1. Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.