Welcome to BhojanGPT, a Streamlit-based application that leverages artificial intelligence to explore over 6,000 Indian dishes from our Cleaned Indian Food Dataset. Users can input a list of ingredients, and BhojanGPT will generate a ranked list of dishes with matching ingredients. Choose any dish from the list to get detailed recipe instructions, including ingredient quantities and total calorie count.
Python: Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from python.org.
API Key: An OPEN_API_KEY is required to run the application. Please add your own API key to line 19 of bhojanGPT.py
Python Packages: The application uses several Python packages specified in requirements.txt. The shell script should automatically install those packages when it's run.
Clone the Repository
Start by cloning this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Vivian0108/bhojanGPT.git cd bhojanGPT
Open a terminal in the project directory
Run the following command to install the required packages:
sh run_app.sh
This will install the packages from requirements.txt and launch the Streamlit application using streamlit run bhojanGPT.py
BhojanGPT creates a web interface accessible from a local endpoint in your web browser. To use it:
Open a web browser and navigate to the provided local URL (typically http://localhost:8501)
Enter a comma-separated list of ingredients in the text box. Click the "Give me meal suggestions!" button.
The application will display a ranked list of dishes with their main ingredients matching your input.
You can then input a dish from that list to view step-by-step recipe instructions, including ingredient quantities and total calories.
Your feedback is most welcome! Feel free to raise any issues or suggestions on the GitHub repository.
Let BhojanGPT help you discover delicious meals just from ingredients in your refrigerator using the power of AI and a vast Indian recipe database. Bon Appétit!