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An E-Commerce Platform for all types of Computer, PlayStation and X-Box Games

Live Website · Report Bug · Request Feature

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. How To Use
  3. Key Features
  4. Tech Stack
  5. Contributing
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. License

🎙 About The Project

viskart walkthrough

🤔 How To Use

Go to this get your favourite games today. On the homepage you see a list of top games, new games and featured games. To start buying or adding games to your cart, just click on the buy button. To check all the available games click on the Featured or See all Games buttons. You could also filter the games based on their price, category, brand and rating.

🎖 Key Features

  • Find Crazy Games at your fingertips
  • Filter Games according to price, category, brand and rating
  • Sort Games based on price
  • Search Games at your fingertips
  • Cart Management Page
  • Wishlist Management Page
  • Login and Signup

⚙️ Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Lot's of Hardwork, Learnings and ❤️

📤 Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue here. Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add a descriptive commit message')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

🙏 Acknowledgements

Special Thanks to some amazing people who helped reviewing VISKart.

Kartikeya Choudhary Kevin Solomon Abhijeet Sinha Chaitanya
Raksha Pawar Mohammed Shivani Bisinigi Ajit

📑 License

MIT License - Copyright (c) 2022 Vishal Patil  ·  GitHub @VishalPatil18  ·  LinkedIn @vishalrameshpatil  ·  Twitter @VishalPatil1810