(Poster) https://github.com/Virusuki/KNeuroViz/blob/master/files/KNeuroViz_poster.pdf
(youtube demo) https://youtu.be/wJ-n5PRnLTQ
The KNeuroViz is extended to a system with user-convenient and detailed analytical functions based on Neuroglancer. and Web visualization and analysis for neuroimaging datasets. Powered by Neuroglancer.
In addition to the latest Neuroglancer features, KNeuroViz adds:
- Segmentation ID list window
- 3D Neuron mesh export .ctm or .obj file (KBrain-map App) function
- Input data loading button
- powerful serverless computing and multi storage(local/cloud)
- Automated pre-processing for visualization of KNeuroViz
- Processing and accessing terabytes of KNeuroViz 3D images, mesh obj, and ctm data
KNeuroVIz preprocessing setup manual
- sudo apt-get install g++ python3-dev # recommend Python3
- pip install numpy
- Download igneous source. You will want to use the master branch from the KNeuroViz fork of igneous.
- cd igneous and pip install -r requirements.txt
- python setup.py develop
- Download KNeuroViz_preprocessing.py Tool from the python tool folder
A note about CORS: Failure to access a data source. As a security measure, browsers will in many prevent a webpage from accessing the true error code associated with a failed HTTP request. It is therefore often necessary to check the developer tools to see the true cause of any HTTP request error. see Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)
- Install nodejs and npm https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm
The KNeuroViz system is a built-in system running on a KBrain-map portal in private cloud. So, there are two cases in order to visualize the ouput of KNeuroViz preprocessing. Select as follows: (2.A-neuroglancer and 2.B-KNeuroViz 3D viewer)
2-1. views the results of KNeuroViz pre-processing with a neuroglancer.
- 2.A.1. Download igneous source. You will want to use the master branch from the KNeuroViz fork of neuroglancer.
- 2.A.2 nvm install stable
- 2.A.3 npm i
- 2.A.4 npm run dev-server
2-2. is a neuroglancer based extended KNeuroViz post-processing 3D viewer. However, since the post-processing viewer is linked with our private KBrain-map portal, we share it as a source file. we share it as a source file. (You can use it by modifying the input part of the loading data in the provided source file.) KNeuroViz viewer 3D features include:
- (1). Segmentation ID list window
- (2). 3D Neuron mesh export .ctm or .obj file (KBrain-map App) function
- (3). Input data loading button
If you have Pre-computed 3D chunk data onto local disk and It can be used as input data for KNeuroViz :
- npm install -g http-server
- http-server -p port_number -a IP_addr --cors
- Then you can use KNeuroViz's input data URL format.
- precomputed://http://IP_addr/chunk_dataset_layer
We are operating the KBrain-map portal in a private cloud environment, and we will guide you through the source code and commands to set up a simple http-based ftp server to use KNeuroViz.