- Show info of dataset
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 gender 4000 non-null object
1 age 3893 non-null float64
2 hypertension 3770 non-null float64
3 heart_disease 3910 non-null float64
4 ever_married 4000 non-null object
5 work_type 4000 non-null object
6 Residence_type 4000 non-null object
7 avg_glucose_level 3829 non-null float64
8 bmi 2884 non-null float64
9 smoking_status 4000 non-null object
10 blood 3990 non-null object
11 height 2928 non-null float64
12 stroke 4000 non-null int64
- Draw missing data table
Total | Percent | |
height | 1072 | 0.26800 |
hypertension | 230 | 0.05750 |
avg_glucose_level | 171 | 0.04275 |
heart_disease | 90 | 0.02250 |
blood | 10 | 0.00250 |
gender | 0 | 0.00000 |
age | 0 | 0.00000 |
ever_married | 0 | 0.00000 |
work_type | 0 | 0.00000 |
Residence_type | 0 | 0.00000 |
bmi | 0 | 0.00000 |
smoking_status | 0 | 0.00000 |
stroke | 0 | 0.00000 |
age_bin | 0 | 0.00000 |
stroke 1.000000
age 0.196161
heart_disease 0.116838
avg_glucose_level 0.109547
hypertension 0.084755
bmi 0.030560
height 0.029482
Name: stroke, dtype: float64
- Boxplot
Ta thấy dữ liệu có nhiều người BMI lạ kì nên đã quyết định loại bỏ những dữ liệu có BMI
lớn hơn 45
- Count unique value
Value counts:
Female 2218
Male 1625
Other 157
Name: gender, dtype: int64
0.0 3402
1.0 368
Name: hypertension, dtype: int64
0.0 3694
1.0 216
Name: heart_disease, dtype: int64
Yes 2626
No 1374
Name: ever_married, dtype: int64
Private 2305
Self-employed 631
children 539
Govt_job 508
Never_worked 17
Name: work_type, dtype: int64
Unknown 1987
Urban 1018
Rural 995
Name: Residence_type, dtype: int64
never smoked 1467
Unknown 1226
formerly smoked 686
smokes 621
Name: smoking_status, dtype: int64
AB 1544
A 841
B 829
O 776
Name: blood, dtype: int64
0 3870
1 130
Name: stroke, dtype: int64
- Show value percent
Female 55.450
Male 40.625
Other 3.925
Name: gender, dtype: float64
0.0 90.238727
1.0 9.761273
Name: hypertension, dtype: float64
0.0 94.475703
1.0 5.524297
Name: heart_disease, dtype: float64
Yes 65.65
No 34.35
Name: ever_married, dtype: float64
Private 57.625
Self-employed 15.775
children 13.475
Govt_job 12.700
Never_worked 0.425
Name: work_type, dtype: float64
Unknown 49.675
Urban 25.450
Rural 24.875
Name: Residence_type, dtype: float64
never smoked 36.675
Unknown 30.650
formerly smoked 17.150
smokes 15.525
Name: smoking_status, dtype: float64
AB 38.696742
A 21.077694
B 20.776942
O 19.448622
Name: blood, dtype: float64
0 96.75
1 3.25
Name: stroke, dtype: float64
Ta thấy smoking_status
và Residence_type
có dữ liệu Unknown
khá cao (Đang tìm cách xử lí)
- Preprocessing data
- Drop data with 'bmi' > 45
- Obtain the mean value of bmi for the age class
- Fill NaN with
- Fill NaN with
which is the highest distribution
- Use
One hot encoder
for['gender', 'blood', 'smoking_status', 'Residence_type', 'work_type']
- Use
label ecoder
which{'No': 0, 'Yes': 1}
- Use