mandrill_client is a node.js that allow you to use the Mandrill app Api
via npm
npm install mandrill_client
#How to use
var mandrill = require('mandrill_client');
var MandrillClient = new mandrill("YOUR_API_KEY");
after this you can use:
MandrillClient. some of the Api methods . some of the submethods of the Api method;
Available Api Methods:
users - Users Calls
message - Message Calls
tags - Tags Calls
rejects - Rejects Calls
whitelists - Whitelists calls
senders - Senders Calls
urls - URLS Calls
templates - Templates Calls
webhooks - Webhooks Calls
subaccounts - Subaccounts Calls
inbound - Inbound Calls
exports - Exports Calls
ips - Ips Calls
Available Submethods:
users : info, ping, senders, ping2
message: send, send_template,search,search_time_series,info,content,parse,send_raw,list_scheduled,cancel_scheduled,reschedule
tags: list, delete,info, time_series, all_time_series
rejects: add, list, delete
whitelists: add, list, delete
senders: list,domains,add_domain,check_domain,verify_domain,info,time_series
urls: list,search,time_series,tracking_domains,add_tracking_domain,check_tracking_domain
templates: add,info,update,publish,delete,list,time_series,render
webhooks: list,add,info,update,delete
subaccounts: list,add,info,update,delete,pause,resume
inbound: domains,add_domain,check_domain,delete_domain,routes,add_route,update_route,delete_route,send_raw
exports: info,list,rejects,whitelist,activity
ips: list,info,provision,start_warmup
as you can see the Methods are the same than Mandrill App api but without "Calls" and in lower case, and submethods are the same than their api method but instead of "-" is "_".
#Example of use
var mandrill = require('mandrill_client');
var MandrillClient = new mandrill("1234567890");
function callback(mandrill_response){
var opts = {
"name": "Example Template",
"from_email": "[email protected]",
"from_name": "Example Name",
"subject": "example subject",
"code": "<div>example code</div>",
"text": "Example text content",
"publish": false,
"labels": [
MandrillClient.users.info(callback); // returns the info user
MandrillClient.users.info("xml", callback); // returns the info user
MandrillClient.users.info("php", callback); // returns the info user
MandrillClient.users.ping2(["json","xml","php"], callback); // returns {"PING!": "PONG!"}, also returns the xml and php {"PING!": "PONG!"} version
MandrillClient.templates.add("php", opts, callback); // returns success message
MandrillClient.templates.delete("php", {"name": "Example Template"}, callback); // returns success message
var MandrillClient_2 = new mandrill("FAKE_API");
MandrillClient_2.users.info(callback); // returns {"status":"error","code":-1,"name":"Invalid_Key","message":"Invalid API key"}
as you can see the syntax is:
MandrillClient.method.submethod([string or array : type_response], [Object : options], function: callback)
Type Response: The response type of your request it can be "xml", "php" or "json" even better it can be the three ["xml", "json", "php"] the default one is "json", for submethods like add, update, delete you only can use one, for now we have no support for yaml, because any .yaml URL returns a statusCode == 200 but no response body, we are working on it, if you know why, tell us please. Optional.
Options: Options to send in the body, see the example above. Optional.
Callback: In every request you have to pass a callback, this one must receives an argument, this one is going to be the mandrill_response it can be either error message or success message, see the example above.
Victor M. Castillo - @VerurteiltKind
#Do you want to be an contributor?
Feel free to contribute
Thank you :D
#Do you want to see something new in mandrill_client?
Send an email to [email protected] and tell me or contribute with it :D
#Suggestions etc.
[email protected] @eljeic - Twitter