#Django and Node.js
Custom Users with Django 1.5 and realtime with node.js an socket-io
Django 1.5
Tweepy (pip install tweepy)
Step 1 go to settings.py and comment nodejs
app and comment AUTH_USER_MODEL
then sync the db
python manage.py syncdb
When python ask you Do you want to create a super user
write no
then after this go to settings.py and uncomment nodejs
and migrate python manage.py migrate nodejs
and then create a superuser python manage.py createsuperuser
then install socket.io
with npm install scoket.io
and run the nodejs server and the django server
node app.js
into nodejs folder and python manage.py runserver
Then go to localhost:8000/login
write your email and password. Go to myprofile in the menu and click Edit Profile after this add a consumer key a consumer secret key a token and a access token secret, you can obtain them in
(http://dev.twitter.com/apps/new) Be sure give the permissions Read and write
After you add keys and token now you can tweet, go to localhost:8000/tweet
and in other tab or other browser
open at the same time localhost:8000
and tweet something and you will se the realtime in localhost:8000