This is an App made as part of my final Group Project as a Student in Coddaiseur Coding BootCamp. This is a project made in 4 days from scratch using no templates or previous code.
I know that from experience and since now i have the tools i took the liberty to start a small revolution by making a new easy to use, friendly and FREE App for anyone who want to have some fun.
Languages and Tools:
👇 Click links to see code samples in this project 👇
⭐ New technology learned during this project
The backend side of this project is an Express server using Sequelize. Click here for more details
A final overview...:
- 💬 Ask me about anything about the project, I am happy to chat with people or even colaborate.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected];
- 📝 That is my : LinkedIn