Feature and Bug Fix Update
New App Icon:
Improved Documentation
Added Option to alert if last time the data was updated is 5 minutes or more called
Warn Late Server Updates
Downloading the app icon can be disabled now changing the value of
in the config file- This is to speed up loading times while using the .py version
Added Saving New settings for subsequent runs
- New Saved settings:
- Load App Icon
- Warn Late Server Updates
- New Saved settings:
Improved Logging:
- New Logging messages:
- Beta status
- Beta version number
- New Logging messages:
Disabled resizability for About window
Bumped dependencies for
version -
Removed numpy import by casting all numpy.float64 and numpy.int64 types to float and int
- Removed numpy from requirements but will be installed by pandas anyways
Fixed icon not loading in
version -
Prevents crashing the program if it fails to check for updates
Prevents crashing the program if icon fails to load correctly
- Runs the program with the default icon instead
Program will exit if an error occurs while trying to load symbols
- Error message window will be displayed before exiting