This is an extension similar (but not identical) to the SummaryFields extension. You can define dynamically CustomFields for contacts along with their associated MySQL query for their values.
- Ability to add/remove on-the-fly new fields via the UI
- Ability to use Optionvalues via selector data-types as displaying results (for example First Contribution Campaign)
- Ability to refresh stats for a specific contact (via UI button)
- Ability to import an initial configuration via the JSON importer (included)
- Fields are accessible on advanced search and on reports instantly
Comes with the following available fields
- Total Lifetime Contributions
- Total Contributions in the Last 12 Months
- Total Contributions this Fiscal Year
- Total Deductible Contributions this Fiscal Year
- Total Contributions last Fiscal Year
- Total Deductible Contributions last Fiscal Year
- Total Contributions Fiscal Year Before Last
- Total Deductible Contributions Fiscal Year Before Last
- Amount of last contribution
- Date of Last Contribution
- Amount of first contribution
- Date of First Contribution
- Campaign of first contribution
- Largest Contribution
- Total count of contributions
- Count of contributions this year
- Count of contributions last year
- Count of contributions year before last year
- Average Annual (Calendar Year) Contribution
- Campaign of largest contribution
- Date of Last Membership payment
- Amount of last Membership payment
The extension is licensed under AGPL-3.0.
Field configuration
Configuration importer
Token configuration
- PHP v7+
- CiviCRM 5.x
This extension has not yet been published for installation via the web UI.
Sysadmins and developers may clone the Git repo for this extension and install it with the command-line tool cv.
git clone [email protected]:civicrm/synopsis.git
cv en synopsis
Upon a successful installation of this extension, declare your fields under Administer > Customize data and screens > Synopsis fields
As an alternative, you can also import an initial configuration that is located here by navigating to /civicrm/admin/settings/synopsis/configimport
. Once imported, page will redirect back to the Synopsis Fields. Save the form and you're done!
- CustomField ID is the internal numeric ID that is being given when a CustomField is being created. Initially, this field is 0 but as soon as the customfield is being created, it will inherit the actual ID that is being stored in the DB. This field is disabled from editing.
- Machine name is the internal name that is being given to a CustomField. Initially, this field is empty but as soon as the CustomField is being created, it will show up the machine name. This field is disabled from editing.
- Label is the label of your CustomField.
- DataType is the type of CustomField you want to create/use.
- Select Reference works only if you have picked up 'Selector' as Datatype above. This field will be ignored if datatype is not of type 'Selector'.
- Query The MySQL query that will be used to calculate this field.
- OptionGroup If you are using the contribution table, please select 'Fundraising'. If this relates to memberships, use 'Membership'
- Remove By checking this checkbox and saving the form, this specific entry (and associated CustomField) will be completely removed from the system. Be careful!
When you write an SQL query, always remember to add the token of contact_id by adding {contact_id}.
Saving the form will create the added fields into CiviCRM.
Further tokens include:
- {financial_types} : Financial type IDs to include. Configurable under:
- {current_fiscal_year_begin}
- {current_fiscal_year_end}
- {last_fiscal_year_begin}
- {last_fiscal_year_end}
- {year_before_last_fiscal_year_begin}
- {year_before_last_fiscal_year_end}
Synopsis is coming with its own API that you can add as a scheduled job.
You can also call it via drush: drush cvapi Synopsis.calculate
If you add the parameter contact_id=<contact_id>
to the API call above, it will calculate only for that contact ID supplied.
drush cvapi Synopsis.calculate contact_id=1234
Plenty, follow:
- Add graphs (Chart.js) on a separate tab
For more in-depth information, read here
Many thanks to Jamie McClelland and his excellent SummaryFields extension (Git repo link). A big part of the source code and his ideas are being borrowed by his extension.