These are tools (mostly perl) to manage the VAI genomics core file lifecycle
This used to be a small part of the larger hpc admin repo But as the file management got more complex I wanted to move it into its own repo and make it more transparent, especially to the core staff who depend on it.
Currently the cron on login01 looks like this:
- 22 2 * * 1 /primary/vari/admin/tools/genomicsCoreFileMgmt/
- 6 22 4 1 * * /primary/vari/admin/tools/genomicsCoreFileMgmt/
This is the master cron job that currently runs on login01
move old files to a staging area for archival to AWS
send emails to staff when files are present in dir
send emails to staff when old files are have been sitting too long
move old files to .trash dir and clean up for the core dir
move old files to .trash dir and clean up for the iscan instrument
move old files to .trash dir and clean up for the iseq instrument
move old files to .trash dir and clean up for the minon instrument
move old files to .trash dir and clean up for the novaseq instrument
move old files to .trash dir and clean up for the sequencing folder/instrument