Dates: Jan 17-20, 2023
Time: TWRF 11am-12:30; 1pm-3pm
Room: This class will meet in 2-131.
This course will also be streamed freely live online via MS Teams for participants outside of Boston. If you want to get a link to the stream drop us your email address at:
Data analysis has become one of the core processes in virtually any professional activity. The collection of data becomes easier and less expensive, so we have ample access to it.
The Julia language which was designed to address the typical challenges that data scientists face when using other tools. Julia, like Python, supports an efficient and convenient development process. At the same time, programs developed in Julia have performance comparable to C.
During this short course you will learn how to build data science models using Julia. Moreover, we will teach you how to deploy such model in production environments and scale the computations beyond a single computer.
This course does not require from the participants prior detailed knowledge of advanced machine learning algorithms not the Julia programming language. What we assume is basic knowledge data science tools (like Python or R) and techniques (like linear regression, basic statistics, plotting).
Installation instructions Installation instructions can be found in materials for the day 1
Once installed the code can be run as
using Pkg
Pkg.activate(".") # assumes running the code in the main folder of this repository
using IJulia
Schedule (all times are EST time zone)
Day 1 (Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023) | 11am-12:30 | Your first steps with Julia | |
1pm-3pm | Working with tabular data | | |
Day 2 (Wednesday, Jan 18, 2023) | 11am-12:30 | Classical predictive models | |
1pm-3pm | Advanced predictive models using machine learning | | |
Day 3 (Thursday, Jan 19, 2023) | 11am-12:30 | Solving optimization problems | |
1pm-3pm | Mining complex networks | | |
Day 4 (Friday, Jan 20, 2023) | 11am-12:30 | Deployment in production environments | |
1pm-3pm | Scaling computations using parallel computing | |
You can register for this course for credit. The contact point regarding the registration process is Professor Alan Edelman, Julia Lab Research Group Leader. The evaluation of the course will be based on assessment of a homework that will be distributed during the last day of the course and should be sent back to Przemysław Szufel ([email protected]) no later than after one week.
This course has been supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Strategic Partnerships programme, grant number BPI/PST/2021/1/00069/U/00001.