Repo for team: Runtime Terror
Project Name: RetroStack
Team Members: Aidan Thomas, Drelon Perry, Michael Trujillo, Ruben Pena
Run: src/application
Description: This app is a space game where the user plays as a hero space craft that is tasked with defeating a platoon of evil space crafts and to advance you must eliminate all enamies.
Bugs: At the moment there are no bugs present in the App, although there is a section of the code that I have commented out. The section of code that I commented out is an AnimationTimer that animates the movement of the space laser across the screen. The reason this section of the code is commented out is because the AnimationTimer doesn't work as desired and needs more fine tuning. Until I figure out how to get the AnimationTimer to work as desired it will not be implemented in the app.
Tools: SceneBuilder 2.0, JavaFX 3.7.0, Eclipse IDE, and Java SE-9