A collection of different calculators to aid in a variety of tasks and calculations, with a bonus game for when you need a break.
- Scientific Calculator
- Conversion Calculator
- Matrix Calculator
- Tax Calculator
- Snake Game
The Calculator Compendium was created for convenience, or when resources we sometimes take for granted are suddenly unavailable.
- Navigate to the main page of the repository.
- Above the list of files, click on "Code".
- Copy the link provided under HTTPS.
- In Eclipse, go to File > Import.
- Then select Git > Projects from Git.
- Select the "Clone URI" option.
- Paste the URL copied in step 3 in the URI field and click on "Next".
- Select the main branch only.
- Choose the folder where you want to store the code locally and click "Finish".
- Navigate to the imported "CaclulatorCompenidum" project in Eclipse.
- Go to src > application and right click on "Main.java" Run As > Java Application.
- You're done! Go make some calculations or play snake.
- The Scientific Calculator has not been implemented.
- Snake Game may sometimes not pick up on Game Over input to restart or go back to the menu.
Move with W, A, S, D or UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT arrows.
Team Name TBD
- Ayrton Bello Nanez (Withdrew due to personal reasons)
- Josue Rodriguez
- Estela V. Rodriguez-Greenfield
- Don Sondapperumaarachchi
- Brandon Stevenson
Background from Vecteezy
Snake Game inspiration from tutorial by Dr. Almas Baimagambetov
Snake Icon from Freepik
Snake Game Sounds & Music from ZapSplat