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fannyny edited this page May 5, 2011 · 2 revisions

To borrow a product, you may have right to access to this page (/emprunt). /!\ This page is restricted with special IP address (see Administration page).

If you can, you've got this page : xxxx

Waiting list

When a person want to lend and he's been connecting, he appears in the "waiting list". You can click on he's name to select him for lend or you can also delete and get information about him if you click on the other icons.

Each new connection will appear in the "waiting list" and you can select person you want to. It can be compared with cards. Lend of a person (if it's not validated) re-appears when you click on the name of this person.

Lending list

When a person is connected or if you've selected him in the waiting list (by default, first connection is selected), you can scan products.

you scan the barcode of product with your scanner. You have no limit of products for one lend. For each product, you can delete it and you can indicate a date of return. Then you validate the lend clicking "Validate" button.

Return a product

To return a product, you've got a "Return" button in the top right corner of this page. When you click over, a box appears and you can scan your product.

Specials cases

  • If a person doesn't remember its login or password you can find his name in the "password forgotten ?" box. It's a auto completion of the LDAP for the person with an "faculty" status. Then you click on "Save" and this person appears on the waiting list.

    When a person uses this system, he's got one joker. When he's more than 5 joker, administrator is informed.
  • If a person isn't in the LDAP (it's an exterior person) you can allow him to borrow. You enter his name in the "Exterior person " box. You must specify a service which is a guarantor of this person. A mail can be sent to this service. This person will be appeared in the "waiting list" too.

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