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Error Messages

Erin edited this page Jun 9, 2017 · 8 revisions

The following is a list of potential error messages, and function calls that thrown them, and troubleshooting ideas for all the python functions in the library.

Error Message File(s) Function(s) Troubleshooting
Error building text shared build_texts()
Error calculating [] values bm25 score(), get_tfidf()
Error calling c functions for hashing min_hash call_c() Check that the c functions work (below).
Error counting words word_count count_collection()
Error getting [] matrix lda, lsi get_lda(), get_lsi() Make sure the variable k is lower than the dimensions of the term-document matrix.
Error generating [] min_hash_sim, k_means_clusterer get_docid(), get_document_list(), gen_seeds(), build_inverted_index(), get_seed_vector()
Error generating []-shingles shared gen_shingles()
Error running reclustering algorithm k_means_clusterer lines 56-58
Error saving result to file(s) bm25, k_means_clusterer write_to_file(), write_to_files(), write_to_file()
Error saving to database [] tfidf, min_hash insert_inverted_index(), insert_shingles() Make sure processed/shingles.db exists.
Error saving to history database [] shared insert_to_db() Make sure you've run and processed/hist.db exists.
Invalid number of command line arguments. Check usage in All files. First line in main function checking number of command line arguments. Make sure you're using the command properly according to the README and use cases.

The following is a list of potential error messages, function calls that throw them, and troubleshooting ideas for minHashModule.c and minHash.c.

Error Message File Function Troubleshooting
Error running MinHash algorithm minHashModule.c minHash() An error has occurred somewhere in the minHash() function in minHash.c. Ensure all SQL queries in minHash.h run properly on the processed/shingles.db database.
Error opening database [] minHash.c sqlite3_open() Make sure the database shingles.db is in the processed/ directory and you can open it using sqlite3.
Preparation failed: [] minHash.c sqlite3_prepare_v2() Make sure SQLite3 is functioning and that the SQL queries in minHash.h run properly on the processed/shingles.db database. Search the SQLite3 error message on Google for more information.
If the troubleshooting section doesn't help, please submit all relevant information to the issues page.