A Shopping mobile app built in Dart and Flutter, connected to Firebase.
- Multiple navigation of screens inside a mobile app.
- A drawer side panel screen, with snackbars and dialogue prompts.
- Custom animated screen navigation, with enhanced animation across app.
- Authentication (Email account creation and login) and Authorization, scoped user products, as well as a marketplace for all users.
- Manual success and error handling, using Futures and Try, inside forms and Firebase API.
- Favoriting and filtering.
- Shopping cart feature with order tracking.
- Stateful managment, database connection, dynamic navigation, and loading screens during async processes.
- Local storage for authentication auto-logging, using Shared_Preferences.
- Full CRUD of products.
A fully featured mobile application for adding a marketplace of products you'd like to put up to sell (No true purchase/payment processing). You can manage your own products and view other users' products, adding an image, description, price and title. A shopping cart can be used to add products to and place orders. These orders can be viewed then.