AdvancedVI provides implementations of variational inference (VI) algorithms, which is a family of algorithms aiming for scalable approximate Bayesian inference by leveraging optimization.
is part of the Turing probabilistic programming ecosystem.
The purpose of this package is to provide a common accessible interface for various VI algorithms and utilities so that other packages, e.g. Turing
, only need to write a light wrapper for integration.
For example, integrating Turing
with AdvancedVI.ADVI
only involves converting a Turing.Model
into a LogDensityProblem
and extracting a corresponding Bijectors.bijector
works with differentiable models specified as a LogDensityProblem
For example, for the normal-log-normal model:
a LogDensityProblem
can be implemented as
using LogDensityProblems
struct NormalLogNormal{MX,SX,MY,SY}
function LogDensityProblems.logdensity(model::NormalLogNormal, θ)
(; μ_x, σ_x, μ_y, Σ_y) = model
return logpdf(LogNormal(μ_x, σ_x), θ[1]) + logpdf(MvNormal(μ_y, Σ_y), θ[2:end])
function LogDensityProblems.dimension(model::NormalLogNormal)
return length(model.μ_y) + 1
function LogDensityProblems.capabilities(::Type{<:NormalLogNormal})
return LogDensityProblems.LogDensityOrder{0}()
Since the support of x
is constrained to be positive and VI is best done in the unconstrained Euclidean space, we need to use a bijector to transform x
into unconstrained Euclidean space. We will use the Bijectors.jl
package for this purpose.
This corresponds to the automatic differentiation variational inference (ADVI) formulation1.
using Bijectors
function Bijectors.bijector(model::NormalLogNormal)
(; μ_x, σ_x, μ_y, Σ_y) = model
return Bijectors.Stacked(
Bijectors.bijector.([LogNormal(μ_x, σ_x), MvNormal(μ_y, Σ_y)]),
[1:1, 2:(1 + length(μ_y))],
A simpler approach is to use Turing
, where a Turing.Model
can be automatically be converted into a LogDensityProblem
and a corresponding bijector
is automatically generated.
Let us instantiate a random normal-log-normal model.
using LinearAlgebra
n_dims = 10
μ_x = randn()
σ_x = exp.(randn())
μ_y = randn(n_dims)
σ_y = exp.(randn(n_dims))
model = NormalLogNormal(μ_x, σ_x, μ_y, Diagonal(σ_y .^ 2))
We can perform VI with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) using reparameterization gradient estimates of the ELBO234 as follows:
using Optimisers
using ADTypes, ForwardDiff
using AdvancedVI
# ELBO objective with the reparameterization gradient
n_montecarlo = 10
elbo = AdvancedVI.RepGradELBO(n_montecarlo)
# Mean-field Gaussian variational family
d = LogDensityProblems.dimension(model)
μ = zeros(d)
L = Diagonal(ones(d))
q = AdvancedVI.MeanFieldGaussian(μ, L)
# Match support by applying the `model`'s inverse bijector
b = Bijectors.bijector(model)
binv = inverse(b)
q_transformed = Bijectors.TransformedDistribution(q, binv)
# Run inference
max_iter = 10^3
q_avg, _, stats, _ = AdvancedVI.optimize(
# Evaluate final ELBO with 10^3 Monte Carlo samples
estimate_objective(elbo, q_avg, model; n_samples=10^4)
For more examples and details, please refer to the documentation.
Kucukelbir, A., Tran, D., Ranganath, R., Gelman, A., & Blei, D. M. (2017). Automatic differentiation variational inference. Journal of machine learning research. ↩
Titsias, M., & Lázaro-Gredilla, M. (2014, June). Doubly stochastic variational Bayes for non-conjugate inference. In International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR. ↩
Rezende, D. J., Mohamed, S., & Wierstra, D. (2014, June). Stochastic backpropagation and approximate inference in deep generative models. In International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR. ↩
Kingma, D. P., & Welling, M. (2014). Auto-encoding variational bayes. In International Conference on Learning Representations. ↩