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DAG Model interface (#47)
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This is a draft PR introducing a `Model` type that stores and makes use the model graph. 

The main type introduced here is the `Model` struct which stores the `ModelState` and `DAG`, each of which are their own types. `ModelState` contains information about the node values, dependencies and eval functions and `DAG` contains the graph and topologically ordered vertex list. 

A model can be constructed in the following way: 

julia> nt = (
               s2 = (0.0, (), () -> InverseGamma(2.0,3.0), :Stochastic), 
               μ = (1.0, (), () -> 1.0, :Logical), 
               y = (0.0, (:μ, :s2), (μ, s2) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(s2)), :Stochastic)
(s2 = (0.0, (), var"#33#36"(), :Stochastic), μ = (1.0, (), var"#34#37"(), :Logical), y = (0.0, (:μ, :s2), var"#35#38"(), :Stochastic))

julia> Model(nt)
μ = (value = 1.0, input = (), eval = var"#16#19"(), kind = :Logical)
s2 = (value = 0.0, input = (), eval = var"#15#18"(), kind = :Stochastic)
y = (value = 0.0, input = (:μ, :s2), eval = var"#17#20"(), kind = :Stochastic)
3×3 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 2 stored entries:
  ⋅    ⋅    ⋅ 
  ⋅    ⋅    ⋅ 
 1.0  1.0   ⋅ 

At present, only functions needed for the constructors are implemented, as well as indexing using `@varname`. I still need to complete the integration with the AbstractPPL api. TODO: 
~~- [ ] `condition`/`decondition`,~~
~~- [ ] `sample`~~
~~- [ ] `logdensityof`~~
- [x] pure functions for ordered dictionary, as outlined in [AbstractPPL](

Feedback on `Model` structure welcome whilst I implement the remaining features!
  • Loading branch information
PavanChaggar committed Feb 7, 2022
1 parent 9b64dd8 commit 4692526
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# committed for packages, but should be committed for applications that require a static
# environment.

# vs code environment
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ uuid = "7a57a42e-76ec-4ea3-a279-07e840d6d9cf"
keywords = ["probablistic programming"]
license = "MIT"
desc = "Common interfaces for probabilistic programming"
version = "0.4"
version = "0.4.0"

AbstractMCMC = "80f14c24-f653-4e6a-9b94-39d6b0f70001"
DensityInterface = "b429d917-457f-4dbc-8f4c-0cc954292b1d"
Setfield = "efcf1570-3423-57d1-acb7-fd33fddbac46"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"

AbstractMCMC = "2, 3"
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/AbstractPPL.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ export VarName, getsym, getlens, inspace, subsumes, varname, vsym, @varname, @vs
# Abstract model functions
export AbstractProbabilisticProgram, condition, decondition, logdensityof, densityof

# Abstract traces
export AbstractModelTrace

Expand All @@ -17,4 +16,9 @@ include("abstractmodeltrace.jl")

# GraphInfo
module GraphPPL

end # module
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions src/graphinfo.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
using AbstractPPL
import Base.getindex
using SparseArrays
using Setfield
using Setfield: PropertyLens, get

Record the state of the model as a struct of NamedTuples, all
sharing the same key values, namely, those of the model parameters.
`value` should store the initial/current value of the parameters.
`input` stores a tuple of inputs for a given node. `eval` are the
anonymous functions associated with each node. These might typically
be either deterministic values or some distribution, but could an
arbitrary julia program. `kind` is a tuple of symbols indicating
whether the node is a logical or stochastic node. Additionally, the
adjacency matrix and topologically ordered vertex list and stored.
GraphInfo is instantiated using the `Model` constctor.

struct GraphInfo{T} <: AbstractModelTrace

`Model` type constructor that takes in named arguments for
nodes and returns a `Model`. Nodes are pairs of variable names
and tuples containing default value, an eval function
and node type. The inputs of each node are inferred from
their anonymous functions. The returned object has a type
# Examples
julia> using AbstractPPL
julia> Model(
s2 = (0.0, () -> InverseGamma(2.0,3.0), :Stochastic),
μ = (1.0, () -> 1.0, :Logical),
y = (0.0, (μ, s2) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(s2)), :Stochastic)
μ = (value = 1.0, input = (), eval = var"#6#9"(), kind = :Logical)
s2 = (value = 0.0, input = (), eval = var"#5#8"(), kind = :Stochastic)
y = (value = 0.0, input = (:μ, :s2), eval = var"#7#10"(), kind = :Stochastic)

struct Model{T} <: AbstractProbabilisticProgram

function Model(;kwargs...)
for (i, node) in enumerate(values(kwargs))
@assert typeof(node) <: Tuple{Union{Array{Float64}, Float64}, Function, Symbol} "Check input order for node $(i) matches Tuple(value, function, kind)"
vals = getvals(NamedTuple(kwargs))
args = [argnames(f) for f in vals[2]]
A, sorted_vertices = dag(NamedTuple{keys(kwargs)}(args))
modelinputs = NamedTuple{Tuple(sorted_vertices)}.([Tuple.(args), vals...])
Model(GraphInfo(modelinputs..., A, sorted_vertices))

Function taking in a NamedTuple containing the inputs to each node
and returns the implied adjacency matrix and topologically ordered
vertex list.
function dag(inputs)
input_names = Symbol[keys(inputs)...]
A = adjacency_matrix(inputs)
sorted_vertices = topological_sort_by_dfs(A)
sorted_A = permute(A, collect(1:length(inputs)), sorted_vertices)
sorted_A, input_names[sorted_vertices]

Takes in the arguments to Model(;kwargs...) as a NamedTuple and
reorders into a tuple of tuples each containing either of value,
input, eval and kind, as required by the GraphInfo type.
@generated function getvals(nt::NamedTuple{T}) where T
values = [:(nt[$i][$j]) for i in 1:length(T), j in 1:3]
m = [:($(values[:,i]...), ) for i in 1:3]
return Expr(:tuple, m...) # :($(m...),)

Returns a Vector{Symbol} of the inputs to an anonymous function `f`.
argnames(f::Function) = Base.method_argnames(first(methods(f)))[2:end]

For a NamedTuple{T} with vertices `T` paired with tuples of input nodes,
`adjacency_matrix` constructs the adjacency matrix using the order
of variables given by `T`.
# Examples
julia> inputs = (a = (), b = (), c = (:a, :b))
(a = (), b = (), c = (:a, :b))
julia> AbstractPPL.adjacency_matrix(inputs)
3×3 SparseMatrixCSC{Float64, Int64} with 2 stored entries:
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ ⋅
1.0 1.0 ⋅
function adjacency_matrix(inputs::NamedTuple{nodes}) where {nodes}
N = length(inputs)
col_inds = NamedTuple{nodes}(ntuple(identity, N))
A = spzeros(Bool, N, N)
for (row, node) in enumerate(nodes)
for input in inputs[node]
if input nodes
error("Parent node of $(input) not found in node set: $(nodes)")
col = col_inds[input]
A[row, col] = true
return A

function outneighbors(A::SparseMatrixCSC, u::T) where T <: Int
#adapted from Graph.jl
inds, _ = findnz(A[:, u])

function topological_sort_by_dfs(A)
# lifted from Graphs.jl
# Depth first search implementation optimized from
n_verts = size(A)[1]
vcolor = zeros(UInt8, n_verts)
verts = Vector{Int64}()
for v in 1:n_verts
vcolor[v] != 0 && continue
S = Vector{Int64}([v])
vcolor[v] = 1
while !isempty(S)
u = S[end]
w = 0
for n in outneighbors(A, u)
if vcolor[n] == 1
error("The input graph contains at least one loop.") # TODO 0.7 should we use a different error?
elseif vcolor[n] == 0
w = n
if w != 0
vcolor[w] = 1
push!(S, w)
vcolor[u] = 2
push!(verts, u)
return reverse(verts)

Base.getindex(m::Model, vn::VarName{p})
Index a Model with a `VarName{p}` lens. Retrieves the `value``, `input`,
`eval` and `kind` for node `p`.
# Examples
julia> using AbstractPPL
julia> m = Model( s2 = (0.0, () -> InverseGamma(2.0,3.0), :Stochastic),
μ = (1.0, () -> 1.0, :Logical),
y = (0.0, (μ, s2) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(s2)), :Stochastic))
(s2 = Symbol[], μ = Symbol[], y = [:μ, :s2])
μ = (value = 0.0, input = (), eval = var"#43#46"(), kind = :Stochastic)
s2 = (value = 1.0, input = (), eval = var"#44#47"(), kind = :Logical)
y = (value = 0.0, input = (:μ, :s2), eval = var"#45#48"(), kind = :Stochastic)
julia> m[@varname y]
(value = 0.0, input = (:μ, :s2), eval = var"#45#48"(), kind = :Stochastic)
@generated function Base.getindex(g::GraphInfo, vn::VarName{p}) where {p}
fns = fieldnames(GraphInfo)[1:4]
name_lens = Setfield.PropertyLens{p}()
field_lenses = [Setfield.PropertyLens{f}() for f in fns]
values = [:(get(g, Setfield.compose($l, $name_lens, getlens(vn)))) for l in field_lenses]
return :(NamedTuple{$(fns)}(($(values...),)))

function Base.getindex(m::Model, vn::VarName)
return m.g[vn]

function, m::Model)
print(io, "Nodes: \n")
for node in nodes(m)
print(io, "$node = ", m[VarName{node}()], "\n")

function Base.iterate(m::Model, state=1)
state > length(nodes(m)) ? nothing : (m[VarName{m.g.sorted_vertices[state]}()], state+1)

Base.eltype(m::Model) = NamedTuple{fieldnames(GraphInfo)[1:4]}
Base.IteratorEltype(m::Model) = HasEltype()

Base.keys(m::Model) = (VarName{n}() for n in m.g.sorted_vertices)
Base.values(m::Model) = Base.Generator(identity, m)
Base.length(m::Model) = length(nodes(m))
Base.keytype(m::Model) = eltype(keys(m))
Base.valtype(m::Model) = eltype(m)

Returns the adjacency matrix of the model as a SparseArray.
get_dag(m::Model) = m.g.A

Returns a `Vector{Symbol}` containing the sorted vertices
of the DAG.
nodes(m::Model) = m.g.sorted_vertices
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
Setfield = "efcf1570-3423-57d1-acb7-fd33fddbac46"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions test/graphinfo.jl
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using AbstractPPL
import AbstractPPL.GraphPPL: GraphInfo, Model, get_dag
using SparseArrays
using Test
## Example taken from Mamba
line = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
:x => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
:y => [1, 3, 3, 3, 5]
line[:xmat] = [ones(5) line[:x]]

# just making it a NamedTuple so that the values can be tested later. Constructor should be used as Model(;kwargs...).
model = (
β = (zeros(2), () -> MvNormal(2, sqrt(1000)), :Stochastic),
xmat = (line[:xmat], () -> line[:xmat], :Logical),
s2 = (0.0, () -> InverseGamma(2.0,3.0), :Stochastic),
μ = (zeros(5), (xmat, β) -> xmat * β, :Logical),
y = (zeros(5), (μ, s2) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(s2)), :Stochastic)

# construct the model!
m = Model(; zip(keys(model), values(model))...) # uses Model(; kwargs...) constructor

# test the type of the model is correct
@test typeof(m) <: Model
@test typeof(m) == Model{(:s2, :xmat, , , :y)}
@test typeof(m.g) <: GraphInfo <: AbstractModelTrace
@test typeof(m.g) == GraphInfo{(:s2, :xmat, , , :y)}

# test the dag is correct
A = sparse([0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0; 0 1 1 0 0; 1 0 0 1 0])
@test get_dag(m) == A

@test length(m) == 5
@test eltype(m) == valtype(m)

# check the values from the NamedTuple match the values in the fields of GraphInfo
vals = AbstractPPL.GraphPPL.getvals(model)
for (i, field) in enumerate([:value, :eval, :kind])
@test eval( :( values(m.g.$field) == vals[$i] ) )

for node in m
@test typeof(node) <: NamedTuple{fieldnames(GraphInfo)[1:4]}

# test the right inputs have been inferred
@test m.g.input == (s2 = (), xmat = (), β = (), μ = (:xmat, ), y = (, :s2))

# test keys are VarNames
for key in keys(m)
@test typeof(key) <: VarName

# test Model constructor for model with single parent node
single_parent_m = Model= (1.0, () -> 3, :Logical), y = (1.0, (μ) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(1)), :Stochastic))
@test typeof(single_parent_m) == Model{(, :y)}
@test typeof(single_parent_m.g) == GraphInfo{(, :y)}

# test ErrorException for parent node not found
@test_throws ErrorException Model( μ = (1.0, (β) -> 3, :Logical), y = (1.0, (μ) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(1)), :Stochastic))

# test AssertionError thrown for kwargs with the wrong order of inputs
@test_throws AssertionError Model( μ = ((β) -> 3, 1.0, :Logical), y = (1.0, (μ) -> MvNormal(μ, sqrt(1)), :Stochastic))
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ using Test

@testset "AbstractPPL.jl" begin

@testset "doctests" begin
Expand All @@ -22,5 +22,4 @@ using Test
doctest(AbstractPPL; manual=false)


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