Interview Scheduler is a simple web application that allows users to schedule interviews during the week.
Built with Node, React, and Postgres, and developed with Cypress and Jest testing frameworks.
Users are able to:
- schedule an interview in an open slot
- make edits to existing interview
- delete an existing interview.
The appointment component will conditionally render based on the state:
- SHOW - display scheduled existing interview
- EMPTY - display empty slot with an add icon
- CONFIRM - display confirmation window prior to deletion
- STATUS - display loading icon when saving or deleting
- ERROR - display error when there is an issue
The sidebar components will conditionally render based on the state:
- Spots remaining will update concurrently with scheduling changes
- The day of week will be highlighted when selected
- Days with no available slots are greyed out
Install dependencies with npm install
npm start
npm test
npm run storybook
- Node 12.x or above
- NPM 5.x or above
- PG 6.x