Created to simplify process of generating sharded jetton wallets.
Sharded means located under same shard prefix.
Current shard prefix length is first 4 bits of an address.
It removes shard routing part of transaction processing.
Which is currently crucial for any mass sending task.
npm i
npm run build
--contract <your highload wallet address>
--type <type of your contract> (HighloadV3 by default)
--api-key [Toncenter api key]
--preferred-shard [prefered shard index]
npx buildTurbo --api-key [your toncenter api key> --type [contract type] --preferred-shard [comma separated shard-index list] --contract [your previously deployed contract address] <path to file with jetton minter addresses>
Currently supported:
- HighloadV3 is supported.
- HighloadV2
To list supported types call npx buildTurbo --type ?