Version 1.0.0
This tag is fix the end of everything we plan for the QAMP #7. All issues can be found on the QAMP projects board : SPRING BOARD and POST QAMP board.
- Create a the q-kernel-ops lib allowing to generate quantum circuits and to bench the IBM Runtime. Then generate matrix from the result of those circuits and bench the classical matrix completion from paper Kernel Matrix Completion for Offline Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning with those data.
- Create studies about those bench.
- Make this lib allowing to run on IBM system-Z.
- Making the project fully usable to everyone.
What's Changed
- Setup CI/CD by @mickahell in #14
- Update requirements-dev.txt by @mickahell in #15
- Program generate metadata from qkernel by @mickahell in #16
- Actions to gen metadata by @mickahell in #17
- Update gen-metadata Actions by @mickahell in #20
- Refacto Kernel endpoint + tests by @mickahell in #21
- Compute only uniq pair by @mickahell in #23
- Multi folder for backend by @mickahell in #24
- Gen telemetry info by @mickahell in #25
- Set timeout by @mickahell in #29
- Runtime exception + telemetry by @mickahell in #27
- Exceptions by @mickahell in #31
- 0.0.0 z by @cfilleke in #32
- Revert temp actions and finalize exception output by @mickahell in #34
- Adding time_simu into exception by @mickahell in #35
- Typo by @mickahell in #36
- Add statevector by @mickahell in #38
- Update resources data by @mickahell in #39
- Edit column by @mickahell in #42
- Shared folder by @mickahell in #44
- Optimize actions by @mickahell in #45
- Gen lot of data by @mickahell in #48
- Sync fork by @mickahell in #49
- Correct size by @mickahell in #50
- Add OOM + update format by @mickahell in #51
- Debug sync + add new data + error options by @mickahell in #53
- Update telemetry analyzer plot by @mickahell in #54
- 0.0.3 z by @cfilleke in #55
- Create file by @Travis-S-IBM in #56
- Completion by @mickahell in #58
- End2end by @mickahell in #60
- Kernel refacto by @mickahell in #62
- Tele cmpl by @mickahell in #66
- Documentation / completion by @mickahell in #69
- Python package by @mickahell in #70
- Data circuit building for single circuit by @mickahell in #73
Full Changelog: