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An wrapper for iOS UserDefaults


Install the library

Using either Yarn:

yarn add @tranzerdev/react-native-user-defaults

Or npm:

npm install @tranzerdev/react-native-user-defaults


  • React Native 0.60+

CLI autolink feature links the module while building the app.

Note For iOS using cocoapods, run:

$ cd ios && pod install
  • React Native <= 0.59

The following steps are only necessary if you are working with a version of React Native lower than 0.60:

$ react-native link @tranzerdev/react-native-user-defaults


  1. In Xcode in the project navigator, right click Libraries > Add Files to [your project's name]
  2. Go to node_modules > @tranzerdev/react-native-user-defaults and add RNUserdefaults.xcodeproj
  3. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add libRNUserdefaults.a to your project's BuildPhases > Link Binary With Libraries
  4. Run your project (cmd+R)


No configuration needed


Import RNUserdefaults from @tranzerdev/react-native-user-defaults:

import RNUserdefaults from '@tranzerdev/react-native-user-defaults';

Set value in user defaults

// This is the value you want to save
// Make sure the value is an string
const value = JSON.stringify({ hallo: 'world' });
// The key to get or remove the value
const key = 'key-for-value';
// To set the value in standard UserDefaults
RNUserdefaults.set(value, key);
// The UserDefaults suite indetifier
const suite = '';
// iOS only: To set the value in a self defined UserDefaults suite.
RNUserdefaults.setFromSuite(value, key, suite);

Get value in user defaults

// The key to get or remove the value
const key = 'key-for-value';
// To get the value in standard UserDefaults
const value = await RNUserdefaults.get(key);
// The UserDefaults suite indetifier
const suite = '';
//iOS only: To get the value in a self defined UserDefaults suite
const value = await RNUserdefaults.getFromSuite(key, suite);

Remove value in user defaults

// The key to get or remove the value
const key = 'key-for-value';
// To remove the value in standard UserDefaults
// The UserDefaults suite indetifier
const suite = '';
// iOS only: To remove the value in a self defined UserDefaults suite
RNUserdefaults.removeFromSuite(key, suite);