Server-side scripts to be run on the same instance as MongoDB
- NodeJS
- Python 2.7
- pip
- MongoDB
- Add Tweepy & Twitter access codes to
- Modify permission of initScript
chmod 700 initScript
, and run./initScript
- Save/Copy mongod.conf to /etc/mongod.conf on your server
- Start mongoDB
sudo service mongod start
- Create user accounts with read/write access (see MongoDB Docs and details below)
- Add username & password (tweetUploader) to index.js file
- Modify permission of tweetScript
chmod 700 tweetScript
, and run in backgroundnohup ./tweetScript > tweetScript.out 2>&1 &
- admin: roles [ userAdminAnyDB, dbOwner; database: admin, meteor, local ]
- ventisApp: roles [ readWrite; database: meteor ]
- tweetUploader: roles [ readWrite; database: meteor ]
- start MongoDB:
sudo service mongod start
- stop MongoDB:
sudo service mongod stop
- restart MongoDB:
sudo service mongod restart
- check status:
vi /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
- edit config:
sudo vi /etc/mongod.conf
- enter mongo console w/admin:
mongo --port 3000 -u "<USERNAME>" -p "<PASSWORD>" --authenticationDatabase "admin"
- enter mongo console w/out admin: in terminal ->
mongo --port 3000
; in mongoshell ->use admin; db.auth("<USERNAME>","<PASSWORD>")