amber is a Ruby gem that is used to coordinate automated testing. amber was designed to automation various types of testing that require creating and assembling detailed records intended to prove a product or tool has been tested for its intended purpose. amber borrows from a Ruby-on-Rails concept of convention over configuration. In this regard, amber consumes YAML documents that are placed beneath a factory directory root. You are encouraged to review amber's report directory because it has been designed to demonstrate amber's capabilities. example.pdf has been provided to demonstrate the automation framework components amber, autodoc, docbld, and tlc-article.
Copy the text below and paste into a shell.
git clone
cd amber && rake build:amber
cd amber && rake validate:amber
amber is tarted to work seamlessly with Linux distributions.
build Ambers documention
name: A plan name
purpose: The purpose of this test plan.
- suite:
- name: a-suite-name
name: A Suite Name
purpose: The purpose of this test suite.
requirement: 1, 2, and 3.
- case:
- name: a-test-case
- name: another-test-case
- name: yet-another-test-case
name: First Test Case
purpose: Demonstrate requirements are met.
requirement: 1, 2, and 3
- confirm: Program echo has been installed.
expectation: echo installation location is displayed.
sudo: true
command: which
argument: echo
evidence: Starts on next line.
- confirm: Program date has been installed.
expectation: date installation location is displayed.
sudo: false
command: which
argument: date
evidence: Starts on next line.
- confirm: Program man has been installed.
expectation: man installation location is displayed.
sudo: false
command: which
argument: man
evidence: Starts on next line.
test plan output (tpo), test suite output (tso), and test case output (tco) are LaTeX macros autodoc uses to assemble output from amber into a report.
Refer to autodoc to learn how an external program interacts with amber. amber must create an output factory containing files to have them automatically consumed.
test plan output (tpoC), test suite output (tsoC), and test case output (tcoC) are LaTeX macros autodoc uses to assemble output from amber into a report.
Refer to autodoc to learn how an external program interacts with amber. Amber must create an output factory containing files to have them automatically consumed.
amber captures status, system out, and system error and records the results to a-test-case.tex file.
amber records PASS or FAIL for each Test Step. The result is determined by the program that amber runs.
Any custom program amber invokes can take a screen capture and record them as test-output/factory/case/a-test-case/a-test-case-001.png. Multiple png files are supported.
Any custom program amber invokes can record CSV files as test-output/factory/case/a-test-case/a-test-case-001.csv. Multiple csv files are supported.
amber --help
Usage: amber [options]
Specific options:
-b, --browser BROWSER Select Browser
["None", "Chrome", "Edge", "Firefox", "IE",
-n, --nodryrun No Dryrun
-e, --enviornment List enviornment
-f, --file x,y,x File name
-l, --language LANGUAGE Select language
["zz", "cs", "da", "de", "en", "es", "fr-ca",
"fr-eu", "it", "ne", "no", "pl", "ro", "sv"]
-v, --verbose Verbose
-L, --log-command Log Command
-r, --log-requirement Log Requirement
-S, --simulate Simulate run to create Test Output
-O, --obliterate Obliterate Test Output directory before Test
-w, --writer WRITER Select writer
["Ascii", "LaTeX"]
-p, --plan x,y,x Plan name
-s, --suite x,y,x Suite name
-c, --case x,y,x Case name
-h, --help Show this message
--version Show version
-d, --dump Dump options (must be last).
Show this message. is the current version.
Log the commands what will be run when --nodryrun is used. NOTE: This option was nurfed because Amber writes the commands to the Test Output Factory. This occurs because Amber is capturing standard input, standard output, and standard error. Amber conditionally writes either standard output or standard error to the Test Output Factory based on the exit status of the program ran.
A comma-separated list of test plan names amber is to process. The following directory and YAML file name convention is mandatory: factory/plan/a-plan/a-plan.yaml.
A comma-separated list of test suite names amber is to process. The following directory and YAML file name convention is mandatory: factory/suite/a-suite/a-suite.yaml.
A comma-separated list of test case names amber is to process. The following directory and YAML file name convention is mandatory: factory/case/suite/a-case/a-case.yaml.
A comma-separated list of file names amber is to process.
amber uses Chrome by default. Your Test Plan, Test Suite, and Test Case must be written to reference a program that uses Web test driver.
amber uses English(en) by default. Your Test Plan, Test Suite, and Test Case must be written to reference a program the requires internationalization and localization.
Amber recursively calls Amber. test-output/commands.log show each Amber invocation.
test-output/requirements.log is used to record each requirement and YAML file that references a requirement.
By default, amber does not have side effects when run. You must explicitly use the --nodryrun options to cause side effects. The commands that would have been executed are echoed to system out.
The Simulate option is used to create a Test Output directory so that you can design your report. Each command defined in your Test Case YAML file echo echoed to the Test Output directory Test Case file.
The Test Output directory is obliterated before running any Tests.
A list of environment variables amber records in the output factory. See environment.rb for a complete listing of files.
function newfactoryitem() {
${AMBERPATH}/bin/newfactoryitem $@
function check-test-output() {
echo grep -rw --include=\*step*.* test-output/ -e $1
grep -rw --include=\*step*.* test-output/ -e $1
function pass() {
check-test-output PASS
function fail() {
check-test-output FAIL
function requirements() {
echo grep -rw --include=\*.yaml factory/ -e 'requirement:'
grep -rw --include=\*.yaml factory/ -e 'requirement:'
Amber has a Test Input Factory that is used to validate Amber. The following commands will demonstrate producing amber.pdf.
- -n, --nodryrun
- -e, --environment
- -L, --log-command
- -r, --log-requirement
- -O, --obliterate
- -p, --plan
cd git/amber/report
rake validate:amber
- git/amber/report/test-output/commands.log
- git/amber/report/test-output/environment.tex
- git/amber/report/test-output/requirements.csv
- git/amber/report/test-output/test-results.tex
- git/amber/report/_build/amber.pdf