The Third-Party API's have changed over time and several code changes were needed to run this project successfully. As of now, it should work out of the box with the additional install notes and the original install notes below.
As far as i know, this project isn't compatible with PHP >= 7.3. The whole project with all models loaded is about 3 GB in size.
The easiest way to run Elasticsearch is with the docker image. Download Version 5.5.0
docker pull
and run it with
docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" -e ""
I added a run script to the bin directory which executes this command.
If you run PHP > 7.2.0, then you have to run composer with
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
Simply download and extract the zip file and set the executable path to [absolute_path]/stltools-3.3/ either at the composer install
stage or later in the parameters.yml. Python has to be installed.
Make sure you use the osmesa version, which is the CLI version of the program. You may need additional packages for ubuntu/debian: libgl2ps1 libjpeg62-turbo
You may comment the "internal" statement in the Prod block
You can enable dev mode with /app_dev.php
If you got an error like
500 Internal Server Error
no such index [index: app_prod]
in the project logs under [printabrick]/var/logs/prod.log
The elasticsearch index must be build:
bin/console fos:elastica:populate
bin/console fos:elastica:populate --env=prod
The import from rebrickable may complete with the message "Done with X errors.". This is normal. Most probably some parts/sets are faulty and haven't be imported.
app.show_only_themes_containing_sets: true
If this is set to true, only themes are visible in the drop down, that have sets in it.
From this point on, the original Readme text:
Web catalogue of LEGO® parts for 3D printing
A Symfony project
- PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 7.0
- PHP Extensions
- GD
- Zip
- date.timezone setting set in php.ini
You can check if your system meets requirements by running $ bin/symfony_requirements
For full requirements see Symfony 3.3 docs.
Elasticsearch >= 5
Instructions for installing and deploying Elasticsearch may be found here.
POV-Ray source.
stl2pov source.
LDView OSMesa >= 4.2.1 source.
- Make sure your system meets the application requirements
- Install dependencies via Composer,
$ composer install
- Install dependencies via npm,
$ npm install
- Install bower dependencies via bower,
$ bower install
- Compile assets by running Gulp,
$ gulp default [--env production]
- Set application parameters in app/config/parameters.yml
- Generate an empty database by running command (if it does not yet exist)
$ bin/console doctrine:database:create
- Create database tables/schema by running command
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create
- Load database fixtures
$ bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
You can load initial application data by running command $ bin/console app:init
This command consists of multiple subcommands that can be called separately:
- Load LDraw models into database by running commad
$ bin/console app:load:ldraw [--ldraw=PATH] [--all] [--file=FILE] [--update]
- Load Rebrickable data into database by running command
$ bin/console app:load:rebrickable
- Load relations between LDraw models and Rebrickable parts by running command
$ bin/console app:load:relations
- Download images of models from
$ bin/console app:load:images [--color=INT] [--rebrickable] [--missing]
- Populate Elastisearch index
$ bin/console fos:elastica:populate
Relations between LDraw models and Rebrickable parts are matched automatically by identical (or similar) id/name when executing command $ bin/console app:load:relation
Unmatched relations can be specified by adding relation of IDs to app/Resources/relations/part_model.yml
The test database must be created before the first test runs. You can create new one by running:
- Generate an empty database by running command (if it does not yet exist)
$ bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
- Create database tables/schema by running command
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test
You can run complete system tests by $ phpunit
. These should cover the main system functions and the functionality of calling the third-party programs that are required are needed to seamlessly retrieve the necessary application data.