Android APK & NodeJS Rest API
- Install APK on phone
- Run "StartAPI.bat" to start (will install pm2 globally, if you don't want this please edit the bat file or just run de api with node from commandline)
- To view on which ip your pc is running the api, open file "ip.txt" after running StartAPI.bat.
- Run "StopAPI.bat" to stop
- button [+ modifiers]
- Button: any key from RobotJS
- modifier: alt, command, control, and shift
- click([button][, double]) [+ move(x[, y])]
- button: left, right, or middle
- double: true for double click
- x: int or "middle" (where middle = screenwidth/2)
- if only x has a value, it will automaticly take the middle of your screen for x and y
- y: int or "middle" (where middle = screenheight/2)
f5 + control
-> presses control and f5 at the same time
down + control + shift
-> press control, shift and down at the same time
click(right, true) + move(middle, 500)
-> moves mouse to middle of width of screen and 500 pixels height, then double clicks
-> clicks once at position of mouse
click(middle) + move(middle, middle)
-> moves mouse to center of the screen and middle clicks
-> moves mouse to center of the screen
Please note that the order of the inputs is not important!
Added incognito default browser support (experimental: works for chrome, iexplore, microsoft edge, probably firefox & chromium, maybe opera, not safari.
make change buttons more user friendly