Tree Support 2 Revision 6 Alpha Cura 5.1
Pre-releaseThis is a ALPHA Release of the TreeSupport2 Mod for Cura 5.1.
IMPORTANT: If you have used the official Cura 5.1 before OR WANT TO USE IT AFTER RUNNING THIS VERSION you NEED to delete C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\cura
as cura caches definition files there!
(To my knowledge it contains nothing relevant, but better make a backup of it than be sorry).
If you dont the correct settings wont be visible, and cant be made visible!
A regular release will occur when/if i found a way to compile Cura with a custom version number again!
This pre-release only contain the version with error messages!
Known issues:
The message unexpected slicing error at the end of the slicing progress is not because of my code. It is also present in the official version. If you encounter it, try moving the model on the buildplate until it works (for me it works better closer to (0,0), but that could be random). I also don't have a better solution.
Added new Settings (Tree Support Limit Branch Reach, Tree Support Optimal Branch Range,Tree Support Rest Preference)
Updated to Cura 5.1
Fixed bugs relating to placing support on the model.
Changed some profile defaults of mininum support area
and support top distance
to prevent issues with my tree support.
Edit: 21.9.22: Fixed some printer profiles not working