Kubernetes Operator for syncthing
Respect existing configuration: The operator only manages what it is told to. Device/folder unknown? Leave it alone. Configuration setting not supported by the operator? Use the WebUI. Config persists through restarts, thanks to it's own persistent volume
Multiple data volumes: Want to store your pictures on a different device than the rest? You can mount volumes from different sources to the same syncthing instance
Bring your own syncthing: Already got syncthing running? Just configure the API endpoint and manage the existing instance through the operator
Certificates: Generate openssl certificates and make sure to use "syncthing" as common name.
Kubernetes Currently the only way to install the operator is to clone the project and make deploy
. Make sure kubectl points to the correct cluster and namespace
Syncthing Instance controlls the Application and global options. By default the WebUI has authentication tunred on with username syncthing
and password set to the apikey
apiVersion: syncthing.buc.sh/v1alpha1
kind: Instance
# Syncthing will advertise its name as "<name>-<random-letters>" to other devices
name: example-syncthing
# tag of the official hub.docker.com/r/syncthing/syncthing image to use
# Optional. Default: latest
tag: latest
# Persistent Volume to store configuration
# If you want to keep manual configuration changes accros restarts, make sure this volume is persistent (e.g. using hostpath or NFS)
# If you configure everything via the operator, just omit this option and the operator will use ephemeral storage.
# Optional. Default EmptyDir
name: config-root
path: /tmp/syncthing-config
# Persistent volume for data
# NOTE: You need at least a volume named 'data-root'
# data-root volume is mounted in /var/syncthing and is the default location for synchronized folders
# Additional volumes are mounted in /var/syncthing/<volume-name> and can be used to store folders on different disks or devices
# You can configure any volume type supported by kubernetes: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/
- name: data-root
path: /tmp/syncthing-data
# apikey for authenticating the Rest API. This is used as the initial password for the syncthing-user on the WebUI
apikey: "this-is-my-very-secret-api-key"
# TLS private Key and Cert. You need to generate these yourself or copy from an existing syncthing instance
tls_key: |
tls_crt: |
Device Resource
apiVersion: syncthing.buc.sh/v1alpha1
kind: Device
# Name of the device in Syncthing
name: fedora34
# Id of the device
# Limit bandwidth used by this device
max_send_speed: "1M"
max_receive_speed: "1M"
Folder Configuration
apiVersion: syncthing.buc.sh/v1alpha1
kind: Folder
# folder id in syncthing. Must be unique within the cluster
name: folder-sample
# Display Name of the folder
label: "MyTestFolder"
path: /var/syncthing/test
type: "sendonly"
# Add shared devices by device name
- "Nokia 3.4"
# Add shared devices by their ID
- "not_this_file"
ignore_permissions: false
Currently this project exists to, 1. practice programming on go, 2. practice kubernetes operators and 3. for personal use. It is not ready for production use.
Currently known Limitations are:
- Only 1 Syncthing-Instance is supported per cluster, because the Nodeports are hardcoded
- There are no options to configure how the WebUI is exposed to the outside world
- Syncthing should probably run as a Stateful Set instead of a deployment