Truffle is a CLI tool. The workflow is like this:
Start a Truffle project with truffle init
Run a local development Blockchain with truffle develop
(Truffle comes with its own version of Ganache)
Deploy your smart contract with truffle migrate --reset
(the reset flag is necessary to avoid some caching problems)
Run smart contract test with truffle test
(includes web3 and BN.js)
Deploy your frontend
Dependencies: If using "@openzeppelin/test-helpers", then "require("@nomiclabs/hardhat-web3")"
To deploy a smart contract to Infura you need to:
Create a project in Infura
Fund the deployment address (using a faucet in the case of testnet)
Add a configuration for this deployment in the configuration file of your Truffle project
Run the deployment with Truffle (ex: truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten
We will see this in details later in this course in the section on smart contract deployment.
Free tier includes archival nodes
./compile.js ./test/ ./contracts/
Manual Set Up (without framesworks):
- solidity compiler: solc
- testing: mocha
- local network + provider: ganache-cli
- integrating client with network (deploy new or interact with existing contract): web3
- web IDE
- manual testing
- compile / deployment
- contract creation
- automated testing (JS: mocha, Solidity)
- deploying to networks
Infura or host own node
- Ropsten:
- most similar to main net ∴ use occasionally
- slow block times
- Rinkeby:
- least similar to main net than Ropsten ∴ use frequently
- fast block times
- gasPrice (Wei/gas): amount of Wei the sender is willing to pay per unit of gas
- startGas/gasLimit (gas): total units of gas willing to spend for the transaction
- Contract Functions:
- call()
- cannot modify data
- returns data instantly from node (does not require processing a new block)
- Nested Dynamic Arrays
- OK in Solidity
- Doesn't work in ABI/JS/Web3
- String are stored as an array of chars ∴ an Array of Strings
- experimental feature: pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
- call()
Intro -
Basic CRUD - Simply State Machine -
Compound Example -
- Proxy Pattern: minimal proxy contract has a
, contract requires assembly, memory of versions dependent on each other - Adapter Pattern: main contract contains state and the functions but calls another contract for certain implementation logic. Implementation can be upgraded over time (ex. Yearn strategies).
- Migrator: New version is deployed with a migrator contract. Addresses can call the migrator contract to transfer state from older version to new version. This is a common pattern for tokens.