The goal for this project is to create not only a place where users can look for popular tools, but also their appropiate support links and manuals (ManPages).
My vision is to create a hub for quickly browsing the package you need.
Arch (btw) ArcoLinux Deepin EndeavourOS Fedora GarudaLinux Kubuntu NixOS PopOS! Ubuntu UbuntuMATE VoidLinux
! Extensions.Manager
- AppIndicator KstatusNotifier
- ArcMenu
- Aylur's Widget
- Blur my Shell
- CPU Power Manager
- Clipboard Indicator
- Dash to Dock for COSMIC
- Focus
- GSConnect
- Hide Top Bar
- Just Perfection
- Media Controls
- Perfection
- Rounded Window Corners
- User Themes
- Vitals
Zsh Bash
picom LG3D qtile bspwm sway mutter wayland hyprland swaybg swayidle swaylock
geany grim imagemagick kitty(and/orfoot) light mako mpc mpd mpv ncmpcpp slurp thunar viewnior(ornomacs) waybar-hyprland-git wf-recorder wl-clipboard wlroots wofi xfce-polkit(orpolkit-gnome) xorg-xwayland yad