Prototype implementation of a small functional teaching language for use in a discrete mathematics course.
Design principles:
- Includes those features, and only those features, useful in the context of a discrete math course. This is not intended to be a general-purpose language.
- Syntax is as close to standard mathematical practice as possible, to make it easier for mathematicians to pick up, and to reduce as much as possible the incongruity between the language and the mathematics being explored and modeled.
- Tooling, error messages, etc. are very important---the language needs to be accessible to undergrads with no prior programming experience. (However, this principle is, as of yet, only that---there is no tooling or nice error messages to speak of.)
Feel free to look around, ask questions, etc. You can even contribute some code if you like---collaborators are most welcome. However, note that no guarantees are made about anything in particular at the moment.
Check out the disco IRC channel, #disco-lang
on Freenode.
Documentation (such as it is) is hosted on
First, make sure you have
the stack
Then open a command prompt, navigate to the root directory of this
repository, and execute
stack build
After this completes, you should be able to
stack exec disco
to run the Disco command-line REPL.
While developing, you may want to use a command like
stack build --fast --file-watch --ghc-options='-Wall'
which will turn on warnings, turn off optimizations for a faster edit-compile-test cycle, and automatically recompile every time a source file changes.