Current version: 1.1.3
- User is assigned a role that the bot listens to.
- After
time, the user is warned they will be kicked if they still have the same role as before. - After
more time, the user is kicked.
Admin Commands:
.setrolekickerprefix <prefix>
- set the prefix that the bot uses for the server to what you desire..(addrole|editrole) <role name> <X> <Y> [<warning message>]
- adds or updates a role for the bot to watch.listrole(s)
- list the roles that are currently being watched.removerole <role name>
- removes the role from the list of those that are watched.setwarningmessage <role name> <warning message>
- sets the warning messages sent to users.listmember(s)
- list the members that are currently being tracked
Additional requirements:
- The bot will not ban users who can ban or with a role higher than it.
./gradlew build
- Kick Members
- Read Messages
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages (For paging on the .listmembers command)
- Add Reactions
Java must be version 11 or higher.
./gradlew bootJar
java -jar build/libs/DiscordRoleKicker-<version>.jar
This command will start up the bot with some general default settings and so that it will restart as needed.
docker run --restart=always --env<your-bot-token> --memory=250m --name=<container-name> thenumeralone/role-kicker-bot:<version>
To upgrade the bot running within an existing container, run
docker stop <old-container-name>
./ <old-container-name> thenumeralone/role-kicker-bot:<version> <new-container-name>
docker start <new-container-name>