Needs our special blend of yeoman
Make sure your cobbweb yeoman is up to date!
npm install
yeoman server
- Should have a server up n running on port 3501
git branch -D deploy
Force delete any existing deploy branchgit checkout -b deploy
This is our throwaway branch- CHECK YOUR .deployrc FILE!!!
yeoman build
rm -rf dist/components/
Usually we don't need this since it's all concatenated, speeds up deploys when we don't have thisgit add dist/
git commit -m "Build" dist/
./deploy.js production|staging RACKSPACE_API_KEY
Push files to Rackspace CloudFiles- Staging only:
git push heroku deploy:master --force
(not cached :D) Push to heroku git checkout master
git branch -D deploy
Stores the cdnUrl that the build uses
"cdnUrl": ""
- Handle multiple hansard loads coming in
- Handle too many results or 500 or 404
- Handle not reloading hansard if active blind has not changed
- Handle highlighting of hansard when non exact match is used