This package provides a simple web browser client for OIDC authentication.
It is implemented as a state machine emitting state updates as events. An example React/Next.js usage implementation can be found under examples/next.js/AuthProvider.tsx.
const authClient = new AuthClient(
clientId: 'fooBar',
//redirectUrl: `${window.location.origin}/oauth-redirect` // default
scopes: 'openid profile offline_access',
authority: '', // using .well-known/openid-configuration
// -- OR --
endpoints: {
authorization: '',
token: '',
revocation: '',
userinfo: '',
// not functional at the moment
//autoLogin: true, // default
(newStatus: Status) => console.log(status),
Once you are in the browser, call authClient.browserInit()
for it to start its flow.
To log in, call authClient.login()
, to logout, call authClient.logout()
Changes in status will be communicated to the outside world through the event handler passed as second argument.