[Add] Info Dialog during Bucket proposal and optimized proposal performance #21
[Add] Filter on Transaction Page #25
[Add] On Import Page final message box shows an option to clear the form #45
[Changed] Core and Blazor Frontend updated to .Net 6.0
[Changed] File Preview on Import Page now read-only
[Changed] Misc small visual updates and fixes on Import Page
[Changed] Consistent Chart Header styles on Report Page
[Changed] Updated dependencies. Thanks @kekkon
[Changed] Simplified dependency tree. Thanks @kekkon
[Changed] Progress calculation for several scenarios #26 #28
[Changed] Links and text due to switch to Github #46 #47
[Fixed] Reworked UI update handling to fix issues on refreshing data #22
[Fixed] Missing Target Account update for newly created or updated Import Profiles #23
[Fixed] MonthOutputConverter.Convert
not using Culture. Thanks @kekkon
[Fixed] OpenBudgeteer.Core.Test.ViewModelTest.YearMonthSelectorViewModelTest.Constructor_CheckDefaults
test using thread culture. Thanks @kekkon
[Fixed] Added Validation checks before saving Bucket data to fix DivideByZeroException #29
[Fixed] Trigger of SelectedYearMonthChanged
passing OpenBudgeteer.Core.Test.ViewModelTest.SelectedYearMonthChanged_CheckEventHasBeenvoked
[Fixed] Wrong text in confirmation message box for deleting a Rule #44
You can’t perform that action at this time.