LINUX VERSION see /bash_ver
two scripts exist ->
1. run bash_ver/ -h from cmd to see usage, is used to create rom file
2. run bash_ver/ -h from cmd to see usage, is used to flash rom file
3. the script creates additional files in a .\generated folder so for easier use keep all the cloned files in a separate folder -> used to create .mcs (rom) file -> used to flash mcs to fpga (Spartan3A DSP Only, change options in /dependencies)
WINDOWS VERSION run flash_to_fpga.bat -h to see options
Simple batch script that enables direct prom file generation and flashing to device with the Xilinx iMPACT tool.
device specific configurations can be performed in .\dependencies folder
support currently exists only for the Spartan 3A DSP.
for this to run, you'll need to add impact.exe to your PATH (or) insert the absolute path for impact in flash_to_fpga.bat
1. Clone repository to folder that doesn't require administrative access
2. run flash_to_fpga.bat -h from cmd to see available options
3. the script creates additional files in a .\generated folder so for easier use keep all the cloned files in a separate folder