- clone this repo and run
npm install
in your terminal at the project root. - make sure that postgres is running on port 5432 (backend runs on port 3002)
- run these 2 commands in the psql:
- `CREATE DATABASE store_front;` - `CREATE DATABASE store_front_test;`
your env file must have something like this:
- POSTGRES_HOST = localhost
- POSTGRES_DB = store_front
- POSTGRES_USER = postgres
- POSTGRES_TEST_DB = store_front_test
- BCRYPT_PASSWORD = speak-friend-Abzo
- TOKEN_SECRET = secret
- ENV = dev
- dev : it migrates up all the tables and runs the server
- test: it runs all the tests
- format: uses prettier to format
- lint: uses eslint
- [POST] /create
- creates a user, takes in a json without id, and returns Token and the generated serial id. - ex:{ "first_name" : "hi", "last_name" : "feraly", "password" : "123456" }
- [POST] /login
- takes in all the info of the user including the serial id, and returns a jwt token. (if info invalid, then unauthorized) - [GET] /index
- shows all users [bearer token required] - [GET] /show/:id
- show user of this id [bearer token required]
- [POST] /products_create
- creates new product [bearer token required] - ex:{ "name" : "xiaomi", "price" : 50, "category" : "phones" }
- [GET] /products_index
- shows all products - [GET] /products_show/:id
- shows the specific id
- [GET] /orders/:id
- show current Order by user (args: user id)[bearer token required]
[Table] users:
- [Data: id(serial), first_name, last_name, password]
[Table] products:
- [Data: id(serial), name, price, category]
[Table] orders:
- [Data: id(serial), user_id, status]
[Table] products_orders:
- [Data: id_order(foreign key), id_product(foreign key), quantity]