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Standalone command line interface for launching BOF files outside of Cobalt Strike Beacon environment. Under the hood it uses bof-launcher library to accomplish its main task: running BOFs files on Windows (x86, x64) and Linux/UNIX (x86, x64, ARM, AARCH64) platforms directly from a filesystem. You can download binaries for all supported platforms here.


A swiss army knife tool for running and mainataining collection of BOFs files. Allows for running any BOF from a filesystem and for conveniently passing arguments to it. Defines simple yaml schema for essential information about BOF files, like: description, URL(s) of the source code, arguments, usage examples, etc. Handy also for testing, prototyping and developing BOFs.

Program usage

Generic commands usage

Usage: ./zig-out/bin/cli4bofs command [options]


help     	<COMMAND>  Display help about given command
exec     	<BOF>      Execute given BOF from a filesystem
info     	<BOF>      Display BOF description and usage examples
usage    	<BOF>      See BOF invocation details and parameter types
examples 	<BOF>      See the BOF usage examples
list                       List all BOFs in the collection

General Options:

-c, --collection       Provide custom BOF yaml collection
-h, --help             Print this help

Usage of 'exec' subcommand

exec subcommand allows for executing BOF directly from a filesystem. One can also conveniently pass arguments to BOF using one of sizZb (followed by :) characters as a prefix to indicate argument's type, as explained below:

Usage: cli4bofs exec <BOF> [[prefix:]ARGUMENT]...

Execute given BOF from filesystem with provided ARGUMENTs.


ARGUMENT's data type can be specified using one of following prefix:
	short OR s	 - 16-bit signed integer.
	int OR i	 - 32-bit signed integer.
	str OR z	 - zero-terminated characters string.
	wstr OR Z	 - zer-terminated wide characters string.
	file OR b	 - special type followed by file path indicating that a pointer to a buffer filled with content of the file will be passed to BOF.

If prefix is ommited then ARGUMENT is treated as a zero-terminated characters string (str / z).


cli4bofs exec uname -a
cli4bofs exec udpScanner
cli4bofs exec udpScanner z:
cli4bofs exec udpScanner file:/tmp/udpProbes

Yaml BOF collections

In addition to BOF execution capability, cli4bofs tool can be used to store and present BOF's documentation, like: BOF description, parameters specification, example BOF usage, etc. During the startup the tool looks for BOF-collection.yaml file in the current directory and looks for the record regarding chosen BOF.

For documenting BOFs, simple yaml schema can be used. Example of an yaml BOF specification for our udpScanner BOF is shown below:

name: "udpScanner"
description: "Universal UDP port sweeper."
author: "Z-Labs"
tags: ['net-recon']
OS: "cross"
header: ['thread', 'zib']
    - ''
usage: '
    udpScanner str:IPSpec[:portSpec] [int:BUF_LEN str:BUF_MEMORY_ADDR]


    str:IPSpec[:portSpec]    ex:; 10.0.0-255.1-254;,427,10-15
    [int:BUF_LEN]            length of UDP probes buffer
    [str:BUF_MEMORY_ADDR]    pointer to the buffer containing one or more UDP probe(s). One probe per line is allowed.

UDP probe syntax (with example):

<portSpec> <probeName> <hexadecimal encoded probe data>\n
53,69,135,1761 dnsReq 000010000000000000000000'

examples: '
    Scanning provided IP range on most common UDP ports with builtin UDP probes:

      udpScanner str:

    Scanning only cherry-picked ports (if no builtin UDP probe for the chosen port is available then length and content of the packet payload will be randomly generated: 

      udpScanner str:,161
      udpScanner str:,427,137
      udpScanner str:

    Example of running with provided UDP probes:

      udpScanner str: int:BUF_LEN str:BUF_MEMORY_ADDRESS

    Example of running udpScanner using cli4bofs tool and with UDP probes provided from the file:

      cli4bofs exec udpScanner,427 file:/tmp/udpPayloads'

As an example, listing available BOFs in the collection:

$ cli4bofs list

Displaying parameter specification and usage explanation for selected BOF:

$ cli4bofs usage udpScanner

    udpScanner str:IPSpec[:portSpec] [int:BUF_LEN str:BUF_MEMORY_ADDR]


    str:IPSpec[:portSpec]    ex:; 10.0.0-255.1-254;,427,10-15
    [int:BUF_LEN]            length of UDP probes buffer
    [str:BUF_MEMORY_ADDR]    pointer to the buffer containing one or more UDP probe(s). One probe per line is allowed.

UDP probe syntax (with example):

<portSpec> <probeName> <hexadecimal encoded probe data>\n
53,69,135,1761 dnsReq 000010000000000000000000