You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 17
A Simple Group Manager Bot using Pyrogram, Telethon. Specially This is working with firebase database.
# Install Git First (apt-instll git)
$ git clone https://github.com/TharukRenuja/MissRaya
$ cd MissRaya
# Install All Requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# Add Your Details to ./MissRaya/vars.py
# Start Bot
$ python3 -m MissRaya
[+] Make Sure You Add All These Mandatory Vars.
[-] API_ID: You can get this value from my.telegram.org
[-] API_HASH : You can get this value from my.telegram.org
[-] FDBURL : Your Firebase DataBase Url. (You can get this value from console.firebase.google.com)
[-] BOT_TOKEN: Get from @BotFather
[-] LOG_CHNL: Your Log Channel ID. (Make sure bot is admin in channel)
[-] BOT_USERNAME: Bot Username.
[+] The MissRaya won't run without setting the mandatory vars.
[+] Go to console.firebase.google.com & Go to Your Project & Go to Project Settings & Go to Service Accounts & Click on Generate New Private Key & It will Download your Database Credentials File & Then rename it to Database.json & Put it on main directory on MissRaya. MissRaya won't work if you don't put it correctly.
[+] After you got the database url replace the string on Here into your realtime database url on your forked repository.
[+] You Must Need To Create Some Keys on Firebase Realtime Database. It's on down below pitcure👇
[+] And then you need to Admins in database as like this👇. You must need at least one admin on bot. You can add new admins through bot after you deployed.