The official implementation for Precise-ICS (Towards precise intra-camera supervised person re-identification), accepted to WACV 2021.
Requirements: Pytorch>=1.1.0 and python>=3.6
- install pytorch
- Download re-ID dataset
- Put the data under the dataset directory. Training, query and test sub-folder should named as bounding_box_train, query, bounding_box_test, respectively.
# example: train Precise-ICS model on Market-1501
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --log_path train_full_model.txt --save_model_interval 50 --dataset 'market1501' --market_path '/path/to/dataset/Market1501/' --associate_rate 1.5
If necessary, you can manually set other hyper-parameters in the training script, such as T (for temperature) and miu (for updating rate) in memory bank learning.
Associate rate is set in the range of [0.5, 1.5] for better performance. In experiments we set 1.5 for Market-1501 and 1.0 for both DuekMTMC-ReID and MSMT17.