A component that allows you to input text and formats the text into a tag when a space or comma is entered.
import React from 'react';
import Tags from 'react-native-tags';
const UselessComponent = () => <Tags
initialTags={['dog', 'cat', 'chicken]}
onChangeTags={() => noop}
onTagPress={ (index, tagLabel, event) => console.log(index, tagLabel, event) }
inputStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'white' }}
initialText PropTypes.string
Populates the text input.
initialTags PropTypes.array
Populates the tags.
onTagsChange PropTypes.func
Callback that is called when a tag is added or removed.
onTagPress PropTypes.func
Callback that is called when a tag is pressed. Receive (index, tagLabel, event)
inputStyle PropTypes.object
Object to style the TextInput component