fork of with additional offline instruction
- start mongodb
mongod --bind_ip
- or
mongod --dbpath .../data
- use db
use dbname
- start server
- go to /server
npm install
node server.js
- server will start on localhost:5000
- you can't get games/metadata - there will be error shown -- so don't mind ;)
- Follow the instructions
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g ionic
- goto directory of OriGami2.0
npm install
- after npm install type in following command to start server. It will start at localhost:8000
gulp dev
OriGami is the geospatial learning game for kids. Consist of two parts:
- For teachers, which are able to create and edit new games
- For students/kids, which don't have an access to game creation mode. Only able to play already created games.
- Ionic Framework + Leaflet + Angular Material - Frontend
- Nodejs + Mongodb - Backend
- Game - Basic unit of play. Consists of 1:N navigation activities
- Navigation Activity - An activity that involves (geo)spatial components requiring use of maps and requires locomotion of the player. Can consist of 0:N tasks
- Task - Involves a spatial competency requiring particpant's action at a given location. The locations are predefined.
Prerequisites: Nodejs
Install the Ionic framework and clone this repository locally. In your project directory, use the following commands to build a package for your platform.
- Add the following cordova plugins
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
ionic plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
- Add platform
ionic platform add android
- Build
ionic build android
If successful, the APK will be created under <project-dir>/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/android-debug.apk
- Run (requires Android SDK)
ionic run android
This will copy the APK to the connected device and launch it. The device must be configured to allow debugging.
- http://server-name : port/games - get all available games (GET)
- http://server-name : port/games/item/game_name - get only one game (GET)
- http://server-name : port/games/item - add a new game (POST)
- http://server-name : port/games/item/game_name - delete one game (DELETE)
Map Marker Icons by Johan H. W. Basberg from the Noun Project (Creative Commons)