Midi2Vec is a framework for converting MIDI files to sequences of embeddings and using machine learning models to learn and predict from these sequences. It is composed of the following principle submodules:
- data_loading: module for loading collections of MIDI files and framing the musical sequences they contain as time-series prediction problems
- encoding: module for training vector representations on a collection of MIDI files and for converting between vector and textual representations of musical notes
- evaluation: module for evaluating sequence learning models
- optimization: module for optimizing over a range of model hyperparameter combinations
- sequence_learning: module for sequence learning and prediction of vector-encoded MIDI note sequences
- pipeline: high-level API that allows all other modules to be pieced together in an intuitive way
The following example shows how to configure and run a GenerativePipeline, which creates a vector model from a corpus of MIDI files, encodes a selection of MIDI files into a sequence of vectors using this model, learns the patterns in this second set of MIDI files and evaluates its accuracy:
training_docs = "../resources/encoder_training_docs/full_1_measure_20k.txt"
pipeline_params = {
# Encoder (Doc2vec) settings:
'doc2vec_docs': encoder_training_docs,
'doc2vec_dm': 1,
'doc2vec_dm_mean': 1,
'doc2vec_epochs': 1,
'doc2vec_hs': 0,
'doc2vec_learning_rate_start': 0.025,
'doc2vec_learning_rate_end': 0.2,
'doc2vec_min_count': 5,
'doc2vec_negative': 0,
'doc2vec_vector_size': 8,
'doc2vec_window': 5,
# Sequence learning (Keras LSTM) settings:
'nn_features': ['bpm', 'measure', 'beat'],
'nn_batch_size': 16,
'nn_dense_activation_function': "linear",
'nn_dropout': 0,
'nn_epochs': 1,
'nn_hidden_neurons': 8,
'nn_layers': 4,
'nn_lstm_activation_function': "selu",
'nn_lstm_n_prev': 16,
'nn_loss': 'mean_absolute_error',
'nn_optimizer': 'rmsprop'
# Define note mapper for MIDI file loading
note_mapping_config_path = "../settings/map-to-group.json"
note_mapper = NoteMapper(note_mapping_config_path)
# Data loader used to encode MIDI-format training files
data_loader = MidiDataLoader(note_mapper, params=pipeline_params)
# Define training documents for sequence learning
training_docs = ["../resources/midi/bach_chorales/01-AchGottundHerr.mid",
pipeline = GenerativePipeline(params=pipeline_params)
result_df = pipeline.run()
Several Jupyter notebooks demonstrating the use of Midi2Vec are available:
- Parameter sweep and evaluation of a GenerativePipeline: https://github.com/TaylorPeer/Midi2Vec/blob/master/notebooks/Hyperparameter%20Optimization%20and%20Evaluation.ipynb
- Encoder inspection: https://github.com/TaylorPeer/Midi2Vec/blob/master/notebooks/Midi2Vec%20Model%20Inspection.ipynb
- Sequence Generation: https://github.com/TaylorPeer/Midi2Vec/blob/master/notebooks/Sequence%20Generation.ipynb