Demonstration Link
- Create a folder in your device named catkin_ws.
- Open the terminal there itself.
- Write the folowing command in the terminal :-
git clone
- Now rename the folder to "mobot_description".
- Now use the command
in yout eYRC_ws folder to make it a ROS workspace.-
- Write the folowing command in the terminal :-
cp -a ~/catkin_ws/src/mobot_description/models/. ~/.gazebo/models
- Remember to source the workspace everytime before use by the following command :-
source devel/setup.bash
- Congo 🥳
- You are all set up with the workspace.
- Run the gazebo world:-
roslaunch mobot_description maze1.launch
- Run rviz and gmapping node
roslaunch mobot_description display.launch
- Run Solution script
roslaunch mobot_description solution_script.launch