Code Walkthrough Video:
A Dungeon Crawler infested with monsters preventing you from reaching the exit. Collect the coins to regenerate health and flee to the exit without dying!
Advanced Map Demo:
@ is the player.
#'s are walls which are non-passable for the player.
. are empty spaces that the player can walk into.
C's are coins which are collectable to both the player and monsters and increment their health.
M's are monsters which start with 3 hearts, and can increment their health by collecting coins.
D is the exit. Upon standing on the tile. the game ends and asks if the user wants to replay.
You can select one of three maps to play:, and, each with varying levels of difficulty.
Download the file
Extract the compressed file
Copy the filepath of the folder
Type: cd [filepath] into command line
Type: start Dungeon.exe
• Type in "load" or "load" or "load" depending on desired map choice
• Type in "play" or "start"
• Type in "advanced" or "No" depending on desired advanced behaviours choice
W, A, S, D are the input controls used to move the player.
W = Player moves one step North
A = Player moves one step West
S = Player moves one step South
D = Player moves one step East
Z = Player picks up coin (when standing on it)
Q = Player attacks monster (deals one damage point)
✅ Using the command “advanced” before typing in 'play' is used to enabled the advanced mode - only then are advanced features enabled.
✅ Without adding “advanced” the game is in basic mode without moving monsters.
✅ Using the “Q” key the player attacks the nearby monster and takes away one heart.
✅ The advanced map can be loaded and completed by the user.
✅ When player moves over a tile the tile is hidden and the player symbol is rendered until player leaves the tile.
✅ Map elements:
✅ o “M” are monsters (which you can move over empty spaces).
✅ o “#” are walls which cannot be passed.
✅ o “C” are gold pieces which can be collected or walked over.
✅ Monsters start off with 3 hearts.
✅ An attack from the player only deals 1 damage.
✅ Players heal one damage when they collect a coin and start with 2 health.
✅ Monsters deal damage to player once confronted and if the player does not attack in time.
✅ Monsters can eat coins to get stronger.
✅ When Monsters die they drop their coins, which the player can then pick up.
✅ Upon entering the exit and finishing the game, the player get displayed a status message to either replay or quit the game.
✅ Allow for a Replay of the map using the command: “replay
I used:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
Throughout the code, I used different C# techniques and data structures. Examples being Jagged Array data structures, the use of File Reading and the directory class, programming constructs such as foor loops, if statements and switch statements.